About my work
I have personally witnessed hundreds of people's lives profoundly transformed through energetic healing. It is my conviction that this form medicine is not only real, but is the most effective form of healing. It holds the key to deep, lasting transformation on all levels of our being.
How can Energetic Medicine serve you?
What is Energetic Medicine?
Energetic medicine, based on a fundamentally different view of reality compared to conventional medicine, recognizes that the material world is downstream from the energetic world. In other words, the unseen and subtle aspects of life are actually the causative factors that manifest as the tangible matter we can touch and see.
When it comes to healing, energetic medicine emphasizes the importance of addressing the root cause rather than just treating the physical symptoms. Healing solely at the material level is comparable to trying to clean a river downstream from factories that are continuously dumping waste into it. To truly solve the problem, one must stop the flow of waste at its source – addressing the underlying energetic imbalances.
The underlying principle of energetic medicine is the belief that we have agency in the energetic reality of life. Our intentions and actions have the power to create real change at the causative level. Extensive bodies of knowledge, such as Classical Chinese Medicine, have been dedicated to understanding and harnessing the science of energetic medicine. Practitioners who delve into the art of healing at the subtle, causative level can develop exceptional skills that may seem magical to those with a Western mindset, which primarily perceives the material world as the ultimate reality. The profound healing that takes place through energetic medicine never fails to evoke a sense of awe.
As an advocate of energetic medicine, I work with two specific forms: Classical Chinese Medicine and VortexHealing® Divine Energy Healing.
Classical Chinese Medicine is a remarkable field of medicine that has evolved over millennia in various East Asian cultures. Without the aid of modern tools like microscopes and x-rays, ancient Chinese doctors used their own human systems as instruments for exploration. With extraordinary sensitivity, they delved into the human body and energy system from within, developing a comprehensive theory of energetic channels and holographic correspondences.
While modern conventional medicine excels in its precision and understanding of the material world, Classical Chinese Medicine offers a profound understanding of the energetic realm that precedes matter. By recognizing the primacy of energy, ancient East Asians developed a genuine science of the energetic, providing valuable insights into health and healing that continue to be respected and utilized today.